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Conference Tour and Post-conference Excursions


Walking Tour in the City Park, Tuesday August 14, 2012

The walking tour will take conference participants into the City Park, located next to the city centre. The Park features hydrological interests such as old water powerhouses, small brooks and creeks with scenic white wooden bridges, and a fishway built not only for fish migration but also to increase detention time in the pool below.

Rokua Esker Aquifer and Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems, August 16, 2012

This excursion will pass through the Oulu river basin, ending at the Rokua esker, about 70 km east of Oulu. The excursion will finish with a traditional Finnish summer evening event, with sauna and refreshments.

Programme outline

Departure from Oulu city centre (in front of City Hall) at 8:00; Surface-groundwater interaction monitoring at the Lake Ahveroinen; Geology of the esker and geophysical measurements at the Lake Saarinen/Salminen isthmus; Arrival in Oulu at about 21:00

Cost: 85 €; includes travel from and to Oulu, meals and refreshments.  

Read more and see the full program here.


Oulanka Reasearch Station and National Park, August 17 to 19, 2012

Oulanka Research Station was established in 1966 to promote research and education at the University of Oulu. In the 1990s, the environmental monitoring programs of the station were complemented by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme. Other important activities include phenological monitoring and analyses of water quality in streams, rivers and ponds. 

Oulanka National Park is located in north-eastern Finland in an upland region. Oulanka is a unique and versatile combination of northern, southern and eastern nature. The landscape is made up of pine forests, river valleys with sandy banks and rapids, and in the north of vast mires. Oulanka National Park in 2002 the park received the international PAN Parks Certificate (

Programme outline

  • Friday August 17, 2012: Departure at Oulu at 8.30, stops on the route; Research activities in Oulanka Research Station; Short walks
  • Saturday August 18, 2012: Optional activities, e.g.Shooting the rapids; Tour to lakes (lowered lake hydrology); Hiking on own (marked routes)
  • Sunday August 19, 2012
    Hiking; Departure at 13.00; Arrival in Oulu at about 17.00

Accommodation options: Single room/ Double room/ Separate apartment

Cost 160 €; includes travels to and from Oulanka, accommodation in double room, linen, all meals, small bus tour.

Extra costs: rafting, canoeing; accommodation in a single room / in separate apartment

Read more and see the full program here

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Page updated                30.07.2012

LYNETVALUEWater and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, University of Oulu Thule Institute